June News

Regulations – Halyard – Embroidery
Dear members,
Good news, the new By-laws were adopted by a majority at the special general meeting with 49 votes in favor and 3 against. They are now in force. We would like to thank all the members who over the past few years have done this colossal work that has made this accomplishment possible.
To all captains
We cordially remind you that you must attach the halyards of your sailboats to avoid knocking on the mast, in order to preserve the sleep of your colleagues and the tranquility of our neighbors.
On Friday July 7 from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. and Sunday July 9 from noon to 3 P.M. Lorraine Brisson will be offering her embroidery services at the club using her embroidery machine.
Bring your favorite t-shirts ect. Bag or towel and have them embroidered with the logo of the yacht club.
The only cost will be $2 per each embroidery that covers the interlining and thread provided.
For more info call Lorraine 514-835-0154
Happy Saint-Jean Baptiste day!
Your board of directors