Introduction to racing – new date

Introduction to sailboat racing on June 2nd at 9h00

The training session for introduction to sailboat racing which the racing committee has organized will take place on June 2nd at 9am (instead of June 9th as initially advertised).  The goal of the session is to demystify and destress racing for newcomers.  Racing is an excellent way to spend Sunday afternoon at IPYC, improve your sailing skills and share stories on the deck at the club after the race.

Racing 101 Agenda

– Introductions and expectations – What do *you* want to get out of the course?
– Racing Rules
– Onboard during a race – Communication
– The Start
– Rounding race marks
– Tactics
– Sail trim & boat balance
– Q & A

The session on June 2nd at 9am will be followed by the usual Sunday afternoon race with a separate low-stress start for the non racers.

Pre-registration preferred –