Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations for Board of Directors and Advisory Committee 2023
As you have been informed, the Club’s Annual Meeting will be held on December 6, 2023.
Nominations to fill the 10 positions on the Board of Directors
On this occasion, the 10 director positions will have to be filled. Our new by-laws, adopted on June 21, 2023, specify that the term of office of each director is now 2 years and that half of the positions on the board of directors are elected in even-numbered years and the other half in odd-numbered years. In order to start this alternation, the 5 positions open for election in even-numbered years will be for a period of one year while the 5 positions open open for election in odd-numbered years will be elected for a period of 2 years. Thus, all positions are up for election this year for the following term:
- Commodore, 1 year
- Vice-Commodore, 2 years
- Rear-Commodore, 1 year
- Secretary, 1 year
- Treasurer, 2 years
- Harbour Master, 1 year
- Membership Chairman, 2 years
In addition to these 7 positions provided for in our regulations, 3 other positions must be filled. The Club’s bylaws do not provide for any specific duties for these other 3 positions, but the following tasks have historically been assigned to these members of the Board of Directors:
- House Chairman, 2 years
- Grounds Chairman, 2 years
- Social Activities Chairman, 1 year
We rely on you and your spouse to fill these positions with people with the necessary qualities and experience.
Nominations to fill at least 1 position on the Advisory Committee
The By-laws also specify in Article 12.1 that an Advisory Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members and a maximum of five (5) members. The term of office of each member is three (3) years. At least one (1) position must be filled this year as a member has reached the maximum term of 3 years. Two (2) additional positions may be filled to reach a committee of five (5) members, but this is not mandatory. You are invited to submit your application for the 3 positions to be filled for which at least one (1) position must be filled this year.
The Advisory Committee is composed of the following members:
- Gaétan Duplessis
- David Pelletier
- John Aird: term ends December 6, 2023
To date, the Nominating Committee has received the following nominations:
- John Aird: Stands for re-election for a term of three (3) years
To submit your application
Persons interested in holding a position on the Board of Directors or the Advisory Committee are invited to complete the attached form and send it to the Chair or a member of the Nominating Committee no later than 14 days before the Annual Meeting (By-law 9.5.3), i.e. on November 22, since the Annual Meeting, again, on December 6, 2023.
The Nominating Committee is composed of the following members:
- Richard Corbeil:
- Yvan Monette:
- Claude Lamarre:
As soon as the Nominating Committee receives a nomination, it will be posted on the club’s website under the News tab. To date, the Nominating Committee has received the following nominations:
- Commodore: Yvon Tessier
- Vice-commodore:
- Rear-commodore: Émilie Savard
- Secretary: Marc Deschênes
- Treasurer:
- Harbour Master: Robert Legault
- Membership Chairman: Rudy Huber
- House Chairman: Yves Gaudreault
- Ground Chairman: Michel Deschênes
- Social Activities Chairman: Lorraine Brisson
In anticipation of your nominations, I am attaching a relevant excerpt from the by-laws relating to the Board of Directors, the duties of the directors and the Advisory Committee.
I am also attaching the form to be used for a candidacy as a director of the CNIP for the year 2023-2024. This same form, with the necessary modification, can be used for the position on the Advisory Committee (please find links below).
Best regards,
Claude Lamarre
Chairman of the Nominating Committee