Commodore’s Letter – February 2022

Dear members,
After the changes that occurred this fall, the 2022 Executive Committee is focusing on the transition and the actions that are essential to maintaining the club’s activities to allow everyone to enjoy the 2022 sailing season.
Several important positions remained to be filled after the general meeting and as a result three positions, Harbour Master, Treasurer and House Chairman are now represented. Treasurer previously held by Robert legault is now the responsibility of Jean-François Arseneault. Robert Legault has accepted to be Harbour Master.Finally Maxime Thibault in his role as Commodore agrees to also take on the role of House Chairman.
These positions will have to be confirmed at the April General Assembly
The following is the composition of the executive committee to date.
Executive Committee:
Commodore: Maxime Thibault
Vice Commodore: Geneviève Gautier
Contre-Commodore: Walter Bal
Secretary: Marc Deschênes
Treasurer (acting): Jean-Francois Arseneault
Port Master (acting): Robert Legault
Membership chairman: Rudy Huber
Field Manager: Michel Deschênes
Head of the captaincy (acting): Maxime Thibault
A word from the Commodore
I would like to take a moment to remind all members that we need to help each other to achieve the common goal of making the club a great place.
How we act towards each other should be with the understanding that our actions may have consequences for other members or directors.
The vision that I bring to the club will always try to reflect the spirit of our founders. A group of friends who came together for the pleasure of sailing in a friendly and community atmosphere.
Looking forward to seeing you at the club again this spring,
Your Commodore,
Maxime Thibault