Members changing boat – Reminder to all members

Dear IPYC membership,
Spring is quickly approaching and some of you may be considering changing their boats.Should your intention be to change your boat, remain at IPYC and have a place in the harbor, the following will serve as a reminder.
Prior to closing or accepting any offer, it is the responsibility of the member involved to notify the Membership officer or the Harbor Master of your intentions. These officers will do all they can to accommodate a member’s project. However, members must understand that a change authorization resulting in a new dock space cannot be granted automatically without consideration of harbor constraints.
It is the responsibility of a member wishing to sell his boat to a non-member to advise him that the conclusion of a transaction does not confer membership status in the club or docking space in the harbor to the non-member.
All your questions and requests can be emailed to: ou
Thank you