Review of the extraordinary general meeting
Important message: Please read carefully and completely
Dear members,
We thank all the members who took the time to attend the Special General Meeting on October 30th.
A majority of members were in favor of adopting the new bylaws, with 51 of the 86 votes received (or 59%). However, the proposed amendments were not adopted, as we did not succeed in obtaining the support of two thirds (66%) of the members present during the vote.
The Executive Committee is delighted with this tremendous support and the confidence of the members who voted in favor of the proposed amendments. We tried to work with transparency to encourage discussion and we were ready to continue the dialogue in order to rally all members.
Unfortunately, we have witnessed untruthful and derogatory comments made by some members, both in the days preceding the meeting and in the morning at the Club. This negative campaign has created a climate of mistrust and division which is very unhealthy for our club.
As a result, the members of the Executive Committee have decided to revise their intention for the next season and all have chosen to pass the torch to other members at the end of their current term.
We would like to reassure members that this is not a resignation, as we will continue until the election at our next general meeting and we will work with the next executive committee to ensure an orderly transition.
Best regards,
Guy Legault, Commodore
François Leduc, Vice-Commodore
Alex Turcotte, Secretary
Robert Legault, Treasurer
Yvon Tessier, Harbour Master
Rudy Huber, Membership chairman
Jean-Claude Morin, House chairman